
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Do You Hear That?

Last week we talked about sound, so this week I thought I might go back and be a little more specific about some of the technical things. One of the down sides to filming with a DSLR is that the big manufacturers decided to put Auto Gain Control (AGC) in their camera’s with no way to turn it off. Now some of you already know why this is a bad thing, I on the other hand had to learn this the hard way. You see, AGC fills in empty space with noise, so if you are trying to get a nice shot with some dialogue, don’t use the internal microphone. There are ways around AGC, mine being the H4N Zoom microphone/recorder. I just filmed a wedding this weekend and I hooked up my wireless lavalier microphone to the H4N Zoom and received a quality sound to accompany the video. Although this does mean more steps in post production. Now I have done a little research and I have found a third party firmware that allows your camera the option to turn off the AGC. This download is free and is called magic lantern. I plan to download it and we will see if that helps reduce the hum when a microphone is connected to the camera. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. How did you know all of that? Did you use a source and forget to site it? If not im impressed.
