
Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Can See the Light!

Today I would like to talk you about lighting. Now first off, I just want to start by saying, I am not a professional and I don't have professional lighting equipment.  Now that said, I have used many different things to light my scenes. I have used flashlights, flexible lamps, work lights, but most commonly used would probably be sunlight. Yes, whenever possible I use the sun as my ally. But for those pesky inside scenes I use at least two light sources. Although the proper way to do it is call three point lighting system. A light on both sides of my subjects called: key light and the fill light. Having a light on both sides of the subject helps reduce shadow on the face or whatever you are filming. In the diagram below they also show a backlight. The backlight helps to separate your subject from the background. Even if you light your set properly that does not excuse you from color correcting your film in the end. So go ahead and shine some bright lights in your friends eyes, and have fun with it. 

                                             Diagram from

1 comment:

  1. Good humor. I was surprised that you still need to correct the color even after using the correct lighting, I never would have guessed.
