
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Basic Editing!

There are lots techniques when it comes to editing. I am not going to cover them all but I am going to describe some of the more basic ones just as a little jump start. Keep in mind that there are lots of different ways to cut and manipulate film.

  1. Cut - an instantaneous change form one image to another
  2. Wipe - an obvious removal of one image by another by one rolling the other off the screen in one direction or another
  3. Defocus effect - one shot ends out of focus; another beings there
  4. Dissolve - a slow change from shot to shot, involving a moment when the two images blend
  5. Freeze frame - movement in the sequence is stopped, creating the effect of a photograph 
  6. Fade - the picture vanishes gradually to black (fade-out)or appears gradually on the screen from black (fade-in).
  7. Zoom in and out- a character photographed in a long shot suddenly is zoomed into a close up or vice versa 
  8. Metric montage - images change with the music beat
  9. Slow motion - characters seem to move at an abnormally slow pace
  10. Montage - many images are put together to create a single impact; often used with music for poetic or advertising effect
  11. Fast motion - characters move very fast in jerky sequences reminiscent of silent movies 

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